Saturday, October 22, 2011

Heaven is for Real

rate 5/5 stars
dates read oct20th -oct21
i got this as part of the Booksneeze blogger review program, and let me say, what an amazing little story about a boy who out of a misfotunate incident let him see Heaven, and live to tell about it. Little Colton, only age four at the time of his emergency operation didn't die temporaryly during his operation, but he had as most of us call it as an out of body experience and went to Heaven. He described it and it did sound wonderful. Of course not being able to comprehened what he was saying or describing at first cause he was talking in child terms if he didn't know the real word for what he was seeing. It was an amazing book. it does not talk about just Heaven, or filled with what Colton was describing. But it talks about how he came to be sick, what went wrong, and his recovery. The random moments when he would say stuff like "Jesus has Markers" i liked that. It was cute. i think this is an amazing and cute little book. there is a book similar to it, what for a long time i kept mistaking this book as the others books title which is "the boy who came back from heaven" or fell i dont remember exactly what word was used. i will read that one sometime as well, but i am glad i read this one it is a joyful book to read.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Christian Zombie Killers Handbook: Slaying the Living Dead Within

The Christian Zombie Killers Handbook: Slaying the Living Dead Within. By Jeff Kinley

rate: 3.5/5

dates read: aprox. Sept. 22 - Oct. 2nd

Vampires, Werewolves,Zombies, and more all creatures, some say there not real, some say they are. Every few years a new fad for these creatures seems to come around. I myself like all these creatures finding them fascinating and cool was one thing that helped really catch my eye with this book. 'cause i love zombies!

 this book really takes a twist on zombies though, it makes them real, i sometimes think it would be cool if a George A. Romero zombie were real, sure it would want to eat my brains, but the walking dead are interesting. Even Mr. Kinley's zombies, he does make them real and not in a "hugable" way...yes if there were a zombie apocalypse everyone else would be shooting them, or chopping there heads off while i would be the one hugging them. lol ok so i'm weird. deal with it.

Let me go into more detail on Mr. Kinley's zombies, we all have an inner zombie, the sinful part of us, it rages  and us having to defeat it within ourselves and others, not to let the other zombies get to us, and infect us with worldly things and desires. This book has both a fictional story which is broken down into episodes, and a non-fictional part. after each episode the chapter would come in with the non-fiction story of it with Bible verses and other inspirational stories, or guided stories, the fictional story was good, but i myself liked the non-fiction sections better. Bible verses were included, there was even a section in the back of the book with all the verses and notes in it for easy reference.

Overall i think it was a decent read and i think those of Christian faith and the love for zombies would enjoy it, i received this book from the BookSneeze team from Thomas Nelson,  as i was not required to give a positive review but a review of my own opinions of the book. Thank you for letting me read it.