Saturday, May 27, 2023

Drowning by TJ Newman (Review)


Thank you to the publisher for a copy to read and review. I loved this. I liked it more than 'Falling' it was incredibly fast-paced. I felt like I was trapped with all the characters waiting for rescue. I felt the plane fall, the water rise as it starts to flood the aircraft. Every move they made. 
I just devoured the book. I wonder what TJ Newman will do next. I hope she keeps these airplane tragedies going. Although that might increase some fear in all of us. Some horror and thrills can be good sometimes. Right? 
The cover is awesome as well, just like in 'falling'. The cover in any book I think really speaks a lot about a book. I know we've always been told to never judge a book by it's cover. But I disagree with that. The cover is the first thing a lot of us see. Even before a synopsis. It can speak a lot about the book. The cover can not only tell the genre of a book, or even the author if they use similar styles or the same designer, but it helps it bring life to books, and helps attract the reader. That's what attracted me to TJ Newman's books. (As well as many other authors works).

If you're a fan of 'Falling' TJ Newman's first novel, I highly highly suggest you check this one out. Now I read both of her books on solid ground, but if you really want a scared, read it on an airplane, or this one in the ocean. 

Happy reading.

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